All-Natural Dish Soap

Now, let me be entirely transparent: My family has been a Dawn dish soap family since my husband and I got married. My husband loves Dawn dish soap. So much so that when I first told him that I was making a homemade all-natural dish soap, he did not want me to! But, it is safe to say that this dish soap recipe has made him tolerate not having any Dawn in the house, and that’s saying something!
New to making homemade cleaners? Check out our beginner’s guide!
Equipment & Tools
Mixing Bowl: A small mixing bowl will be needed to combine the ingredients.
Funnel: A funnel is optional but helpful depending on the size of the opening on your container.
Storage Container: You will need a lidded container for the dish soap. Some people like to use reusable sauce bottles, while others prefer soap pumps. Whatever you choose, make sure it is either amber-colored or completely opaque to protect the essential oil inside from sunlight.
Ingredients Needed
Castile Soap: Castile soap is a great natural soap. It can help to fight through build-ups on dishes. However, it is not a disinfectant, so it will not kill viruses or bacteria. However, when combined with an essential oil disinfectant, such as lemon essential oil, it works great as dish soap.
Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds: This ingredient is completely optional. The Sal Suds help to make the soap suds up, which doesn’t change the effectiveness of the soap, but I have found it helps me to see where I have cleaned on a pan (and being entirely transparent again, I subconsciously always equate suds with cleanliness). If you do not want to use the Sal Suds, simply do double the liquid castile soap instead.
Lemon Essential Oil: Lemon essential oil, very different from lemon juice, is a key ingredient that you do not want to skimp on for this soap. Lemon essential oil is a disinfectant, so it will help to kill viruses and bacteria hanging around your dishes. It also helps to cut through grease. The citrusy scent is just perfect for the kitchen, as well!
How to Make All-Natural Dish Soap
Mix the Soaps: In a small bowl, mix the liquid castile soap with the Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds (or do 1/2 cup of just castile soap, if you don’t want to use the Sal Suds).
Add the Essential Oil: Once you have all of the soap mixed together, add the lemon essential oil. Mix well to incorporate together.
Put in the Container: Carefully pour the soap mixture into your container of choice.
Top Off with Water: Fill the bottle the rest of the way with water, adding the water slowly so that you do not agitate and sud up the soap too badly. Then close it up and gently shake it to mix it all!
Use: Use this just like you would use regular dish soap!


All-Natural DIY Dish Soap
*Note: Cost is estimated.
Equipment & Tools
- Measuring Cup(s)
- Small Mixing Bowl
- 16 fl oz Storage Container (preferably amber-colored or completely opaque)
- Funnel (optional)
- ¼ cup Castile soap, liquid
- ¼ cup Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds
- 15-20 drops Lemon essential oil
- In a small bowl, combine ¼ cup Castile soap, liquid and ¼ cup Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds together.
- Add 15-20 drops Lemon essential oil, and mix to combine.
- Pour the soap mixture into your desired container.
- Top the container off with water, slowly, so as to not agitate the soap too much.
- Close the container, gently shake it a few times to combine the soap with the water.
To Use
- Use just as you would regular store-bought dish soap.
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