*Note: Calories and cost is estimated, if provided.
Equipment & Tools
Kitchen Scale
Seam Ripper (optional, helpful to cut the beans lengthwise if you choose)
Razor Blade (optional, helpful to cut the beans, if you choose)
Strainer (optional, if you want to remove the beans at the end of extraction)
Coffee Filter (optional, if you want to remove the caviar)
10 fl oz Storage Container(s) , with label or tag
1ozVanilla beans, fresh (see notes)
8fl ozVodkaor Rum, 70-90 proof (plus a little extra, see notes)
Weigh out 1 oz Vanilla beans.
Use some of the alcohol you will be using to make extract and rinse off the beans. Much like rinsing produce, this will remove any foreign objects such as hair or fibres leftover from the harvesting and curing of the beans.
Prepare Beans
Choose one or more methods below (listed from slowest extraction time to fastest):Leave Whole - This method is the longest (12 months+). Cut Off the Tips - Using a new, clean razor blade, cut off both tips of each bean. Cut in Half / Pieces - Sometimes beans can be very long which makes it difficult to add to certain containers, cutting them in half or into pieces help. Use a razor blade or other sharp utensil to cut the beans into two pieces or more.Split Lengthwise - This method is best paired with also cutting the tips off for ease of access and prep. Using a seam ripper or razor blade, cut the bean along the natural edge. This will allow the bean to remain open (flat) when placed into the container versus it wanting to bend back into shape if you were to cut it down the middle. If you use a razor blade, it is easiest to cut the tips of the bean off then run the blade through the bean keeping it parallel.Split & Scrape(recommended) - This method is the fastest extraction of all the processes (4 months+). Here you will use cutting of the tips, and splitting it lengthwise in addition to scraping the seeds aka "caviar". To scrape out the caviar, you will want to either use the razor blade or another utensil to scrape the inside length of the beans to get the caviar out. Place the tips, beans and caviar into the container.
Place everything, beans, tips and caviar into the storage container.
Add the 8 fl oz Vodka and seal. Give the container a good shake.
Label the container, don't skip this! It's easy to think you'll remember, but if you end up making more extractions and months later, they could very well get mixed up without proper identification.
Store the container in a safe location, preferably where it will be easily visible to you for the next couple weeks. Every day, give the container a shake to help move the alcohol around the beans. If you miss a few days, that's okay, this just helps speed up the extraction time.
Finished Extract
The extraction time will vary from batch to batch and is based on the bean preparation method you chose in addition to the alcohol and how often the container was shaken. The easiest way to know when the extract is done is to place a drop or two into some cream or on a sugar cube. Note:Never taste straight extract as it typically is unpleasant.
If the extract tastes good to you, then it is done! If not, continue letting it extract and retest in a few weeks or a month to see how it is coming along.
Once finished, you may choose to strain out the vanilla beans and caviar. However, it is personal preference and some people choose to leave it as is and just use the extract in the container it is in without removing anything. Some will choose to decant it into smaller bottles if a large batch was made for themselves or to gift to others.
Straining Beans & Caviar (Optional)
Vanilla Beans - Use a strainer positioned over another container to catch the vanilla extract to strain out the vanilla beans.
Squeeze the vanilla beans to remove as much extract as possible, unless you wish to use them for something else.
Caviar - If you split or cut your beans and wish to additionally strain out the caviar from the vanilla extract, let the extract settle for a few minutes after removing the beans (so the caviar settles to the bottom).
After a few minutes, slowly pour the extract through a fine mesh coffee filter or mesh bag. Using a spatula, move the caviar around the mesh to get as much of the extract through the filter.
Decant (Optional)
Using a funnel, pour the finished vanilla extract into your final storage bottles. Some people choose to then add back a few of the vanilla beans for aesthetics and/or split the caviar evenly among the storage bottles for consistency.
Single or Double-Fold: Single fold is just the base formula, of using 1 ounce beans to 8 fl oz of alcohol. Double-fold is doubling the amount of beans to alcohol, so 2 oz beans to 8 fl oz alcohol.
Vanilla Beans - Grade B beans tend to be the go to grade to make vanilla extract since it has a lower moisture content and tend to be cheaper. However, grade A beans could also be used and will be easier to handle if you plan to split them.
Alcohol - Vanilla is a delicate flavor so using an alcohol that is very strong in taste may overpower the vanilla flavor and the resulting extract could be very alcoholic tasting. If you use rum, the infusion time may take longer depending on bean preparation. If the proof is too high, you risk drying out and burning the beans. If it is too low, there is risk of spoilage.