Check out all of our Join us in the enchanting world of homesteading, where self-sufficiency meets the cozy comforts of home. Discover the joys of growing your own food, crafting homemade goods, and connecting with nature. Our homestead is your guide to a simpler, more sustainable life, right from your own backyard. Let’s cultivate, create, and thrive together on this homesteading journey!
Latest Posts

6 Ways to Encourage Fireflies in Your Yard
Fireflies were always something that I loved seeing as a kid. My friends and I would love to try to…

Home Remedies Using Raw Honey
Having our own beehive has made me research more uses for raw honey than just using it for sweetening tea…

The Unpopular Dandelion (With 10+ Surprising Ways To Use It)
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is one of those flowers that you more than likely grew up underappreciating (or still do) due…

16 Cool Weather Crops to Plant this Fall
With summer winding down and my garden in full motion, I can’t help but feel a little sad that planting…
Food Preservation

Introduction to Freeze Drying
Freeze dried fruits, pictured from the left: Strawberry tops, strawberry halves, pineapple slices, banana slices, grapes. Freeze drying. What is…

6 Ways to Encourage Fireflies in Your Yard
Fireflies were always something that I loved seeing as a kid. My friends and I would love to try to…

16 Cool Weather Crops to Plant this Fall
With summer winding down and my garden in full motion, I can’t help but feel a little sad that planting…

Home Remedies Using Raw Honey
Having our own beehive has made me research more uses for raw honey than just using it for sweetening tea…

The Unpopular Dandelion (With 10+ Surprising Ways To Use It)
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is one of those flowers that you more than likely grew up underappreciating (or still do) due…